Thursday, October 13, 2011

Photography Challenge - Week #12

This week's topic for the Photography Challenge is "Bokeh".  I had to look it up, but basically it means intentionally makes parts of the photo blurry to draw attention to the sharp focus of whatever you deem to be the subject.  Phew.

I know that if I use a small aperture (large lens opening, more on this next week) that the depth of field (more next week but basically the area that is crisp) will be shallow, meaning the background will be blurry.

As you can tell by the photo stats I put below this photo, it was a pure fluke that I ended up with the blurry background.  I think this had more to do with my focusing than with aperture.  I wonder if I could reproduce it, lol?
f/8,  1/100,  100 ISO

This second photo does have a small aperture and so it makes more sense to me that the background is blurry.

f/4.5,  1/200,  400 ISO
I thought I would start including some of the photo stats for photos on the blog (aperture, shutter speed, ISO) so we can all kind of see why photos might look a certain way, because we're all going to be experts in just a few weeks.  Right?  :)

Don't forget to check out the other entries at Laura Beth's blog:


Unknown said...

Hi Terry these are both beautiful photos. I have been working on acheiving the same results but with little success. I will try your settings.
Thanks, Traci

Etcetorize said...

Both photos turned out beautifully, but the colours in the second one are really spectacular~

Yvonne@StyleBurb said...

That's a great idea to include the details with your photos, Terry, but it would be even easier for me if you would just pop over and photograph things for me! I would promise to make something with kale in it!

Macey said...

I don't think I could do this on purpose...I've only ever done it on accident! lol

Adrianne Surian said...

Terry, take a road trip and come over and show me how to do this. I am so frustrated with my camera - I usually either get good at things pretty quickly, or I quit them, LOL. I can't really seem to do either when it comes to my photography! All of this stuff is just WAY over my head!

Unknown said...

I love these shots! I am a big ole chicken when it comes to my settings! I need to shake it up more!
Love the b and w!
Kerry at

Kei said...

Gorgeous shots! You captured the flowers in that second picture beautifully :) I had to look up bokeh too since I hadn't heard the term before this challenge!
Putting the stats with the photos is such a good idea, too.

Kate @ Daffodils said...

great idea to add the stats from your shots- really helpful!

Rosa B. said...

Nice bokeh! Your colors are lovely too! :)

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

I'm loving that second shot, Terry. Great idea including the stats.

Brooke said...

Great shots! I really like the first one! Bokeh and black & white = amazing! :)

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