Thursday, October 6, 2011

Photography Challenge - Week #11

Okay folks, this week's theme is "Orange".  I guess with fall here and Halloween right around the corner, this shouldn't have been too difficult.  I put some effort into making the background less focused so that the eye would rest on the bottle.  Also, I have been reading about the rule of thirds so I tried to apply that as well (more on that soon in the photo tips).

Don't forget to check out the other entries or maybe even enter a photo of your own.


Lesley said...

Great photo! I went camera shopping yesterday and left with nothing. It's so hard to spend money. I have a perfectly great camera but I want bigger...better...bigger!

Kei said...

Your orange photo looks fab! Great use of the rule of thirds, I try to remember that when I'm snapping away too :)

Unknown said...

I better come over and help with that bottle!
Great photo!
Kerry at

Jenny said...

The color really pops in your photo. Nice job!

Geneva said...

Very nice photo... I'm so glad I found you. Being a novice photographer I love all the tips! Thank you for stopping by my blog as well... ":o)

Jeanna said...

This looks great. What better than a glass of wine outside on a fall evening.


Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

What a fun little series! I can't wait for the rule of thirds post. That always confuses mr and I end up sticking the subject way in the corner haha.

Great job on the photo and mmm wine :-) I will be having some soon as well

Kate @ Daffodils said...

great photo! You are doing so well with the new camera

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