Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday's Motivation - Post Holiday Bulge?

I know I can't be the only one who is a little unhappy with her scale post-holiday (though the 7 hello dolly squares for breakfast just might have been worth it).  Here's a little empathy if you need it.





Tina said...

BBHHaaHaHa!!! What a great way to start the morning =o)

Terriea Kwong said...

You made me smile.

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

I love the mirror, mirror, on the wall!! I may have to make that for our bedroom mirror! Thanks for the laughs! Have a great weekend!

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

Oh my gosh...I'm with you on this. I finally weighed myself yesterday. I have gained 5 lbs. since Christmas. I'm not happy with myself but hopefully I can take it off without too much trouble. The older I get the harder it is though...Happy Weekend Terry!

Mindy said...

I'm gonna go ahead and take the trophy for this one. When I saw the title, I giggled. And do you know what I did? I stepped on the scale for the first time in MONTHS. With my clothes on, I'll have you know. Now you know under normal circumstances, NO ONE does that. I'm not sure I can blame it on any sweet treats for breakfast, (although, I'm sure they don't help), but I'm officially pushin' 160. And by pushin', I mean I'm about an 8oz tub of yogurt away. lol Clearly I'll be having a 20 pound baby.

Adrianne Surian said...

So I had the stomach flu right around Christmas, and from December 1 to January 1, I ended up 1 lb lighter. And the sick thing is, I'm considering the idea that it was worth it - how bad is that attitude??

Macey said...

Those. Are. Awesome.

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

I'd say that first quote pretty much sums it up. LOL

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Love this! The tiny creatures have been frantically sewing at my house. :)

momto8 said...

haha the mirror miror was my favorite!!

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