Photo Tips

This is where we are going to learn to take better pictures.  We hope.  :)

This page will just be a summary, but I will direct you to other posts so that you can get the full descriptions of things like aperture, shutter speed, composition, and lighting.  Here are a few sites to get you started.  Be sure to check back, as I'll be adding to this regularly.

To start, here are the links to all of the Photo Tips Series from this blog:

Composition Links:

Pose Ideas:
Family Poses
Portrait Poses
Baby Poses

Technical Links:
Low Light
Exposure Compensation
White Balance

What follows are various sites that I have used to research the photo tips posts or just to answer a question I had.  I hope you find them useful.

Photography Instruction Sites:

Digital Photography School
All Things Photography
Michael The Mentor
The Photographer Blog
Silver Strand Photo

General DSLR Information:

Kevin and Amanda - this is a step-by-step introduction to your camera with lots of awesome pictures.
Digital Photography School  - Tips for Beginners with a daily newsletter you can sign up for
15-Minute Lesson for Beginners - awesome summary article

Links to Owner's Manuals:

Tri-fold foam core board -- Huge difference for $6 (Walmart).
Low-Light Photography Tips from PictureCorrect - easy to read chart with tips

Specific Subjects:
DPS Photographing Pets

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