Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Roasted Vegetable Pasta

The garden is still producing gorgeous veggies:  tomatoes, one red pepper, eggplant, green beans, chard and kale.  They're all still going crazy.  So this supper was really just throwing handfuls of produce into the oven to roast and then pouring it over pasta.  So fresh.

I started by chopping the roma tomatoes, then the eggplant, and finally that single red pepper.

Yellow and Red Tomatoes
Finger Eggplant
One sad little red pepper
I sprinkled a healthy pinch of dried chili peppers over top, salt and pepper and threw it in the oven at 350 for about 20 minutes.  I should have let it go about 10 more minutes to really soften everything, but I was starving and rushed it.

I also added fresh basil and parsley and of course a dusting of freshly grated parmesan cheese over top.  A side of wine.  :)  It really hit the spot and was super easy.


Mindy said...

Seriously, it's like you're stalking my head. I was JUST vacuuming my bedroom and thinking about roasting some veggies for pasta. Then I checked my Google Reader and lo and behold, what do I find? Roasted veggie pasta. It is clearly meant to be in my belly. :o)

Yvonne@StyleBurb said...

Love it... this is my style of pasta! I'm thisclose to trying kale because I know you love it so much.

Stephanie said...

ohhhh this looks so yummy!! I LOVE fresh veggies with pasta! I am going to have to give this a try soon!...with store bought veggies though because my "garden" cursed me this year!

Rivki Locker said...

What a lovely fresh seasonal meal. All the nicest late summer flavors packed into one pasta dish!

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