Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Photo Tips Series - Get In There

Whew, we've come a long way in a few short weeks.  We are now pros with the exposure triangle (ISO, aperture, and shutter speed), as well as the rule of thirds.

In keeping with the move toward creativity and composition, let's talk about zooming in.  I've read in a bunch of different places that if you're not happy with your photos, get in closer to your subject.

When I first started taking pictures, I had to crop them heavily every single time.  Clearly I wasn't getting close enough.  I still have to crop but not every time and usually just a little bit.

A few weeks ago, somebody was kind enough to drop a bunch of construction garbage into the ditch by our house.  (And I was weird enough to go out and take photos - you don't have to say it, I know).

See in this first photo, the star of this show (the blue toilet) gets lost in the middle of the rest of the junk, making the photo boring and diluted.  (Truly mind-boggling that somebody would get rid of such a beauty, huh.)

Now, check out this shot that was taken much closer.  The subject is obvious and, admittedly, stunning because it fills the frame.  :)

How about another example that is super cute?  Okay, here ya go.  First up, the boring way-too-far-away shot:

And now, super cute all-up-and-close shot:

That is my nephew in the Bruins jersey looking extraordinarily adorable.

So, if you think you're in close for a good shot, move in a little closer and get the fabulous shot.


DPS - Fill The Frame
Photoshop Tutorials - check out the photo of the wolf

I'm partying here:

Hookin up with Hepworths (House of Hepworths)Wow Us Wednesdays (Savvy Southern Style)It's a Party (A Creative Princess)Freestyle Fridays (Happy Hour Projects)Link It Up Wednesday (Junk in Their Trunk)Shine on Fridays (One Artsy Mama and Happy Go Lucky)Making Monday Marvelous (C.R.A.F.T.)Sundae Scoop (I Heart Naptime)


Ann from On Sutton Place said...

I haven't had a chance to really try this out but I'm going to. I also changed the setting you told me about on my camera. I hope to get some things photographed by the weekend. So...did you keep the blue toilet?

Becky and the Beanstock said...

I hope you have a super-duper zoom lens on that camera and didn't, in fact, get too close to the blue bog. Pictures really are worth a thousand words! :)

Macey said...

What a cute lil hockey player!

Anonymous said...

good tip... im not a fan of all that back ground... and then trying to crop it out... makes the pics blurry! great tip... (ps... this totally reminded me of the photography class i signed up for ... which happens to be tonight.... i completely forgot and missed it!) whoopS! Keep the tips coming!

Tenille said...

Great tips. I am guilty of usually adding too much background. i will now be more aware of doing closer shots. Thanks again. I would love it if you could link this up to our linky party going on right now.

Kara said...

Great tips!! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Friday. Hope to see you again soon.

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