Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nutty Hockey Fan

I know you crafty gals probably don't follow hockey but today was such a thrilling day for me that I have to make you endure, just for a little bit. :)

This is me all ready to go:

My favourite hockey team (Boston Bruins) won the big trophy this year (The Stanley Cup, named after Lord Stanley - what heritage, lol) and one of the players hails from Welland which is just the next town over. So yesterday they had a big do, named it Daniel Paille Day (that's the name of the player), and got us to put on Bruins jerseys and shirts in 80-degree weather.

Check out this cutie patootie.
It was packed and we got there a good 90 minutes early.  I think this guy was a fan:

I got a lot of shots that look like this, lol:

But eventually I passed my camera up to the tall fellow in the white hat and got this shot of Daniel Paille and Lord Stanley's Cup:

And as he was leaving, this one:

I promise I won't be doing weekly hockey posts or anything crazy like that gals.  Thanks for hanging in there, and I promise that tomorrow we'll be back to crafting and the like.  :)  (Go Bruins!)


Laura Beth said...

You definitely look like a fan!! and if you love hockey as much as we southerns love our college football I totally understand :) Thanks for linking up to the photography challenge!

Jennifer Salter said...

I'm a canadian living in the south so I won't comment on the Stanely cup play offs LOL. But your pic is super cute :)

Yvonne@StyleBurb said...

I totally get your hockey love, Terry! I'm a long time Montreal Canadiens fan - note the francophone spelling :), even though their record has been less than stellar, ahem...

The Bruins goalie was so incredible during the playoffs that at one point I was convinced he must have made a deal with the devil!

Looks like you had a fantastic day!

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