Thursday, July 19, 2012

Link It Up Thursday #29

I'm thinking that I either need to find a more gender-neutral descriptor or start off each week referring to "the gals and Mike".  Now, Mike (The Amateur Quilter) says that he doesn't mind being lumped in with a bunch of gals, but I don't know, lol.

Let's take a look at what caught my eye last week:

Ha, I love the yardsticks that Ellen used to transform her $2 stool into this little bit of whimsy (and yes, I really wanted to use the word whimsy - so cute).

Creative Passage

Wow, wait until you see all of the fabulous changes that Katie has made to create this fabulous hallway makeover.

Creatively Living
I have a thing for tote bags.  I adore this black, grey and yellow one that Pam made.

Threading My Way

I love learning new travel tips that make my life easier.  Margaret has a great method for packing that lets her get a lot more stuff into her carry-on suitcase (yes, I said carry-on).

Chica es Artistica

I am completely in love with the utter cutest of Sarah's watermelon coin purse.  Great tutorial on her site for the how-to.

Repeat Crafter Me

Nice work ladies.  Please grab a featured button for your awesome projects.  If you weren't featured here, pop on over to Kadie's blog, Seven Alive, and see if she featured you over there.

These Peas Taste Funny
This is a shared link party, so if you link it up here, it will show up on the fabulous Kadie's blog, Seven Alive.  We want to see everything you have to link up!  Old projects, new posts, giveaways, etsy shops, recipes, crocheting, any and everything. If you have more than one thing to link up, even better.

Here are our very simple rules. 
1.  Please keep it family-friendly. 
2.  Link back to our site or grab a button so others can share in the fun. 
3.  Following us would be nice (but don't feel you have to).
4.  Have fun, be inspired. 

 If you would like an e-mail reminder about the party, let us know in the comments (please include your e-mail address), and we will happily add you to the list.

These Peas Taste Funny


Pam @Threading My Way said...

Thanks so much for the feature, Terry!!! Fancy seeing the potential in that old stool. The finished project looks awesome!!!

Tina Bradley said...

Inspired by it all! That tote is fab, and the packing job...well, I guess I'd best get myself onboard with that (having recently overpacked for the umpteenth time). ;) Thanks for the inspirations + fun, Terry! T.

Love Bakes Good Cakes said...

Poor Mike ;) The gals and Mike would be kind of funny! Thank you for hosting, Terry! Have a great weekend!

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

Cool features, Terry. Thanks for hosting.

Lyuba @ Will Cook For Smiles said...

Thank you for the party! Have a great day!

Adrianne Surian said...

Happy Thursday and thanks for hosting, Terry!

EllensCreativePassage said...

Thanks for featuring my yardstick stool! And thanks for hosting too!

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Thanks for hosting! Whimsy is kind of fun to say!

Tina said...

Thank you for hosting. Hope you are having a good week.

Macey said...

I had something to link! :)

Donna Wilkes said...

Terry, thanks for hosting. I am glad you featured the light bulb project because I forgot to pin it and forgot where it was! I almost forgot it was Thursday so I guess I need a reminder if you don't mind.

Magic Love Crow said...

Mike sounds like a cutey! I am still laughing! LOL! I want to know, is Margaret a size 2? I don't think I could do that in my carry on! LOL!

Mindy said...

Mindy was here......

Katie @ Creatively Living said...

Thank you so much for the feature! I hope you have a great week!

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