Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Grillin' Series - Pizza

This pizza was inspired by Amy from Love on High Heat.  She does a margherita pizza on the grill that looks amazing.  I mirrored her technique but had entirely different ingredients on hand, so this is how mine turned out.

I grilled up a bunch of veggies.  I put cherry tomatoes (bit of oil, salt and pepper) in a foil packet and threw that on the grill.

I added peppers, zucchini, and mushrooms (again with oil, salt and pepper) straight onto the grill.

Look at the grilled deliciousness.  Mmmmm.

Next I took the grilled cherry tomatoes and whirled them in a little food processor with some garlic and basil.  This is what I used for the pizza sauce.

I also used the shallots for this pizza with a little bit of the flavoured butter as well.

From here it's pretty simple.  Spray a bit of oil on the na'an and grill for a few minutes on each side to get a crispy effect.  Then put on the grilled veggies and top with mozzarella.  Drop the barbecue cover and warm through until the cheese melts, about 5 minutes.  Enjoy, maybe with a little purple basil torn on top.  Mmmm.

What are your favourite pizza toppings?  Happy Grillin'.


Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Never thought about Na'an as a pizza crust. Don't know why...I love it! Yours looks delicious. I love mushrooms, onions, sun dried tomatoes or fresh, and fresh mozzarella. Do you deliver?

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

I've never tried pizza on the grill, I'm going to have to give it a whirl. I just don't know if those veggies would make it to the pizza, though. I might just get a fork and eat them off the grill!

Tina Bradley said...

My favorite pizza is veggie pizza--exactly as featured. Yum!

Carol-Anne said...

This looks terrific! Did you put any oil on the Na'an, before you grilled it? I will definitely try this!

Kara at Petals to Picots said...

Mmmm ... love veggie pizza!

Adrianne Surian said...

Terry, this looks so good. I need a wife like you to cook me fabulous veggies. ;)

I don't have a favorite pizza, unless you count them all. I like to mix it up!

Magic Love Crow said...

Oh this is amazing! My favorite! So yummy!!!! I can smell this! I can taste this!!! I better wipe my mouth, I am drooling! LOL! Take Care ;o)

Anonymous said...

Oh man that looks good. I love Grilled/roasted tomatoes so much. I couldn't them all day! That combo looks amazing!!! Thanksnformthe shout out!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh man that looks good. I love Grilled/roasted tomatoes so much. I couldn't them all day! That combo looks amazing!!! Thanksnformthe shout out!!!

Heidi@OneCreativeMommy.com said...

That all looks so, so yummy! I'm hosting a linky party "One Creative Weekend" at OneCreativeMommy.com. I'd love for you to visit and link up this idea and/or anything else you'd like to share.

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