Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Grillin' - Salmon Two Ways

The next time that aluminum foil goes on sale, I'm going to have to buy a case. I love using the foil on the grill for super easy grilling and even easier clean-up.

I started with two pieces of salmon and two very different appetites.  I was feeling like something sweet and my husband felt like anything BUT sweet.  So, here goes:

My piece:  a drizzle of lime juice and sweet chili sauce, a bit of salt and pepper.  Wrap it up.

His piece:  drizzle with olive oil, add lemon slices and smashed garlic, a pinch of dried red chillies, salt and pepper.  Wrap it up.

On the grill for 12 minutes, flipping over halfway.

Notice anything peculiar about the garlic on his piece?  LOL  Apparently, something in the aluminun foil reacts with the sulphur in the garlic and makes it a lovely shade of teal.  (WT,...???!!) It tastes fine and it won't hurt you, but wow,....weird.

This is the perfect recipe for entertaining.  I mean really, easy prep (you could include thin-sliced veggies if you like) and 12 minutes on the grill.  That's all there is to it.


Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Terry those look ever so delicious! I think I'd go for the lime/chili sauce one! Funny about the garlic!

Kara at Petals to Picots said...

Ooooh ... love salmon!

Tina Bradley said...

Great recipes! I'm sending this one on to my grill master (smile). I do love salmon. :) T.

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

I've got to tell you, I'm really not a fan of salmon, but boy, you sure make it look awesome and worth a try again!

Magic Love Crow said...

That is weird about the garlic! Never heard of that before! The salmon looks so yummy! I love fish, but I have a fear of bones! I look like a mouse when I eat fish! LOL! Hope you had a great road trip ;o) That was a lot of hours driving!

Love Bakes Good Cakes said...

Salmon is my favorite fish - totally weird about the garlic - never saw that before!

Mindy said...

Well aren't you a smarty pants. What a good idea. I'm tryin' it out. The sweet chili sounds really good too.

Adrianne Surian said...

That's what's great about grilling - being able to season things differently. This looks really good, Terry. The only time I think to cook in foil is when we are camping! ;)

Maureen Wyatt said...

Occasionally, garlic will turn blue from the acid in the vinegar when I make dill pickles. I love salmon and think I'll go with your sweet version! ~ Maureen

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

Believe it or not I have actually made fish like this on the grill. Not salmon but fish all the same. The garlic is a great idea even if it does turn teal. :o)

Stephanie said...

yum yum yum!! looks so good terry!

Unknown said...

This is such a great idea! Im bummed that I stumbled upon your blog after you decided to close up shop but I love this idea! I'll have to try it on my grill this summer season



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