Thursday, July 12, 2012

Link It Up Thursday #28

What a difference a week makes.  Last week at this time I was wearing my favourite tube top and short shorts, sweating if I even thought about moving.  This week -- cool, refreshing AC.  Woohoo.  Reason enough to party.  First, let's see what caught my eye from last week and please remember to pin responsibly.  :)

Tiffany custom made these wooden nursery letters for a dear.  Check out her site for the how-to.

Don't Waste The Crumbs

Do you think you can guess what these organizers are made out of?  I was quite surprised.

Wesens Art

I love how this recycle turned out.  Ellen did a fabulous job in 100-degree heat and this little project only cost her $1!!

Ellen's Creative Passage

Is it just me or does saying the word 'bloomers' kind of crack you up?  I love these little cuties done in sorbet fashion.

USS Crafty
Must be an adorable theme going on here.  Check out this darling romper that Jacki made for summer coolness and super cuteness.

Nobody Knows What a Red-Headed Mommy Can Do

Nice work ladies.  Please grab a featured button for your awesome projects.  If you weren't featured here, pop on over to Kadie's blog, Seven Alive, and see if she featured you over there.

These Peas Taste Funny
This is a shared link party, so if you link it up here, it will show up on the fabulous Kadie's blog, Seven Alive.  We want to see everything you have to link up!  Old projects, new posts, giveaways, etsy shops, recipes, crocheting, any and everything. If you have more than one thing to link up, even better.

Here are our very simple rules. 
1.  Please keep it family-friendly. 
2.  Link back to our site or grab a button so others can share in the fun. 
3.  Following us would be nice (but don't feel you have to).
4.  Have fun, be inspired. 

 If you would like an e-mail reminder about the party, let us know in the comments (please include your e-mail address), and we will happily add you to the list.

These Peas Taste Funny


EllensCreativePassage said...

Thanks so much for featuring my mosaic table! And thanks for hosting!

Tina Bradley said...

Loved the mosaic piece the best. It was all fab, though. Thanks, Terry! T.

Love Bakes Good Cakes said...

Thanks so much for hosting, Terry! So glad the weather has cooled down a little bit :) Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for hosting. Have a super week!

Adrianne Surian said...

Happy Thursday, Terry!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Terry, for featuring my bubble romper--I am definitely among some very talented bloggers! The word "bloomers" makes me laugh, too, and I linked up a pair for you :) I'm glad your weather is more comfortable--it's cooled off a bit here, too. Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend!

Lyuba @ Will Cook For Smiles said...

Thanks for the party! Love it how you guys choose your own features :)

Pam @Threading My Way said...

Bloomers brings back memories of sewing and PE uniforms. The bloomers you've featured are gorgeous, though!!!

Annie said...

Happy Thursday! Thank you for the party!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the feature!!! I really appreciate it! And thanks for hosting! :-)

Unknown said...

Wow - thanks for featuring my letters! My friend LOVES them, and I'm so happy to share them with all the extremely talented ladies out there!

Wesens-Art said...

Thanks so much for featuring my organizer!
And thanks for hosting!
Have a wonderful day!!!

Greetings from Germany!

Kara at Petals to Picots said...

Thanks for hosting, Terry!

Melanie @ bear rabbit bear said...

Thanks for hosting!

Mike Pearson said...

Love the mosaic!

Magic Love Crow said...

These items are so much fun! I can't believe that project Ellen did, only cost her $1.00! Good for her! I love the bloomers! I'd wear them ;o) LOL! Have a great day!

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