Monday, September 12, 2011

Corn Husk Wreath

You remember the autumn wreath that I made two weeks ago?  It's on the outside of our front door.  Well, our front door has a window (not sure I would make that same choice again - wreaths are so much prettier on a solid surface, lol).  Anyway, you can see the form of the outdoor wreath from the inside.  I don't like it.

So I decided to make an indoor wreath to cover up the view of the outdoor wreath.  At our old house, we planted decorative corn and I still had a pile of it.  I snapped off all of the corn from the dried husks and kept the husks for this project.

The corn cobs were put to use making the Indian Corn Centerpiece from last week's Falling for Crafts Challenge over at One Artsy Mama.

Anyway, back to the wreath.  :)  I started with a flat cardboard wreath (really I could have just made it from a cereal box, which I will likely do next time).  I used the glue gun to glue on each section of dried corn husk.  After I completed the entire circle, I then put husks around the inside of that inner circle, just to clean up the edges.  Again, this was with a glue gun.  I added a ribbon at the bottom for decoration and at the top for hanging.  And now both sides of the front door have autumn wreaths.  Makes me happy.

Here is where I'm partying:

Fall Frenzy Party (Craftaholics Anonymous)Make It Great Monday (Etcetorize)Homemade Projects (Tip Junkie)Inspiration Board (Homework)Ta-Da Tuesday Party (Mommy by Day Crafter by Night)Wow Us Wednesday (Savvy Southern Style)Sizzle Into Summer (DIY By Design)It's a Party (A Creative Princess)Stuff That Rocks (madamyt)Hookin Up With Hepworths (House of Hepworths)Super Sweet Thursday Par-tay (So Fabulously Flawed)9th Thrifty Thursday (Thrifty and Fabulous)Potpourri Party (2805)Freestyle Friday (Happy Hour Projects)Sys Blog Link Party (Somewhat Simple)Weekend Wander (While He Was Napping)Fancy Friday Blog Hop (Mel Dreams Often)


Rosemary@villabarnes said...

This wreath definitely says fall to me. Your so clever.

Yvonne@StyleBurb said...

It looks fabulous- I really like how 3D layered it looks.

Your pictures look amazing! Your lightbox is working out!!

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

If you're happy, I'm happy. Looks great. I never thought about being able to see the outdoor wreath on the inside. Smart solution!

Etcetorize said...

This looks great Terry! I'm so glad you linked up at Etcetorize~

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

What a great idea! You are so lucky to have all the corn! I loved your wreath on the front door with the glass!

Marilyn said...

Super awesome.. Love it..Hello there.. I'm following ya officially from the inspiration board hop..Lovely blog you have here.Can't wait to read more.. Hope you can stop by & visit me sometime / follow back.. TY So much.. Have a great week.Marilyn from ps: Would love for you to participate in a fall crawl next week if you'd like to join in :)) TY


I love fall and I love this wreath! I love indian corn and all it's colors, I just did something with them...I'm at Creative Princess too. I am your newest follower, nice meeting you, hope you come over! FABBY

Inspired By June said...

Simple, but lovely! I like that you were able to get two (completely different!) projects from a few ears of Indian corn!

Lesley said...

So you're making one for me and sending by way of donkey, yes?
That is how I would like to receive it and will not be persuaded otherwise.

Blissful Blooms said...

Absolutely love this! I would love to attempt this! Thank you for the inspiration. Beautiful job!

Debbie said...

what a great idea...looks awesome!!

Honey at 2805 said...

What a clever way to solve your problem! Love the way you used the corn!

Thank you for linking to Potpourri Friday. You are and asset to the party's success and I appreciate you!

Anonymous said...

i love this... i need one for my front door.... hint hint nudge nudge...thanks for linking up today!

Ellen said...

How wonderful that you got to display the corn that you grew along with fixing a minor glinch of the window. You are so clever.

Anonymous said...

This turned out amazing! I love it and it's absolutely perfect for fall. Thanks so much for linking this up to Thrifty Thursday :)

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

what a great wreath! very fall-ish! thanks for joining the Fall Frenzy link party!
happy crafting,

Unknown said...

Look at you, making another wreath! Thanks for linking up! :)

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