Monday, August 8, 2011

Real Basil Pesto

Okay Kadie,...get ready because here is the real basil pesto recipe I promised.  There is nothing low-fat about this baby, but man oh man, it is delicious.

The recipe came from Simply Recipes. I followed it to the letter.  Well, okay, I added more garlic because I am a garlic nut, so almost to the letter.

2 cups basil leaves
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese (I used Grana Padano because it was on hand)
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/3 cup pine nuts or walnuts (I used pine nuts)
3 garlic cloves, minced (I used more like 5 or 6)
salt and pepper

Pine Nuts, Garlic, and lots of Black Pepper

Basil Leaves added

Cheese and Olive oil added (not that much of a difference in appearance)
Yeah, maybe a little too much cheese on top, lol.
I could have eaten three times what I did of this.  It was incredibly fresh and yummy.  I guess we all know what will be lunch tomorrow.  Good luck, Kadie.


Yvonne@StyleBurb said...

That looks like the perfect amount of cheese to me! Your recipe for fresh pesto puts to shame the bottle of store-made pesto I have in the fridge- I must try making my own. It looks like a pretty easy recipe and I love the pine nuts and extra garlic. I bet it smells wonderful in your kitchen!

Mindy said...

I love pesto with all my heart. Love, love, love. Pine nuts are SO dang expensive though, and for that reason I almost always sub another nut.

Also, my sister took a ravioli making class at a restaurant one year for her anniversary and they made pesto using mostly spinach and only a little bit of basil. She recreated it for me and you can't tell the difference. It's perfect for the winter when basil is $4 for two sprigs.

I'm gonna have to bust out the food processor and get on it! I freeze mine in ice cube trays, then pop them into freezer bags. Then when I get a hankerin' I can just pull out one or two cubes for dinner. Mmmmm.

Little City Farm said...

Good point, Mindy. I usually don't splurge either and use walnuts instead of pine nuts which also taste great and are much cheaper, lol.

Thanks for the cheese support, Yvonne. :)

I hope you enjoy it, Kadie!

Rivki Locker said...

There is nothing quite like th real deal. I have lots of variations on pesto but I find I like this classic version best.

Wendy said...

Beautiful photos Terry. My mouth was watering just looking at them. I make basil every year and freeze it. When you do that, you can top it up before freezing with a layer of olive oil and it retains it's colour, and also leave out the parmesan until thawed.
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