Monday, May 14, 2012

WOL - Creativity Interview

This week the Wheel of Life is focusing on Creativity.  I know that this is definitely a topic that is near and dear to every crafty blogger's heart.  I think that creativity holds a certain mystery and it is interesting to see what inspires others to create.

One of the most artistically creative people that I follow is Carolyn from Homework.  She is going to tell you about herself below, but I wanted to share with you some of my favourite of her creations:

Kindle Book Cover (made from a book)

Paper Flower Tacks

Rice Paper Bird Centerpiece

Rustic Twig Frame

These are some of my favourite pieces from her Etsy shop:

Carolyn's Etsy Shop

There are so many inspiring projects that Carolyn has made that I definitely consider her one of my creativity mentors.  Without further adieu, here is Carolyn:


I’m Carolyn and I blog at homework where I post about crafts, diy and all types of creative inspiration. The name homework was originally the name of my home based marketing consulting business {home+work}. When I started blogging, I kept the name since it still fit. I added the tagline to homework: today's assignment - be inspired.

On my blog you'll find inspirational crafts and projects that include; Celebrations (entertaining and holidays), Good Taste (food & dessert), Inkling (paper), The Dirt (gardening), Upcycling (repurposed items and eco-chic) & Etceteras (general crafts) and more.

Other than blogging and my Etsy shop, I keep busy enjoying life with my husband and teenage son.

Did you grow up in a creative environment or was this something that you had to develop on your own?

I didn’t grow up in a creative environment but it just was something that I have always enjoyed. From when I first started school my favorite subject was art and I’ve always had passion for all things creative.

Do you feel that failure has a part in creativity? Or do you believe that people can express their creativity better with tried and true methods?

We’ve all had craft or diy fails. It’s part of the learning process. Often a failed project can inspire an even better result. Some of my craft fails have become some of my favorite projects. Of course, some have ended up in the trash but once I covered a box in fabric and the Mod Podge results were terrible. I ended up wrapping the box and covering up the mistakes in a pretty twine and I love it.

From a near fail to a total success

Do you have to work to find ideas for new projects or do they seem to just appear for you?

Sometimes ideas just come to me but for the most part I find inspiration through other creativity. I’ll see something and it will inspire me to create something myself. It’s not necessarily the same exact project – maybe just a color, technique or style will start the wheels rolling for a new project.

Have you always been the type of person who had to be creating something or is this a more recent love of yours?

I’m definitely the type of person that has to be creating something. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a craft - gardening, cooking, baking and decorating have also been creative outlets my whole life.

Do you have any advice for others on how to release their own creativity?

Don’t be afraid to try new things. I think creativity builds on itself and you may surprise yourself with a new creative outlet. If you’re in a creative slump look for inspiration – magazines, online resources or even a nature walk can get the creative juices flowing.

Is there anything else you want to add?

Thank you so much for having me over to talk about creativity. I’m so flattered to be asked to talk about this subject. It’s near and dear to my heart and I truly believe that I’ve become more creative because of the creative sharing, inspiration and support of the blogging community.


A big thank-you to Carolyn for taking the time to talk about creativity with us. Carolyn has been featured in too many places to list here but she has a great list on her own website if you are interested.  She also has a Pinterest account and of course her Etsy shop if you are looking to see more of Carolyn's creativity in final form.

What inspires you?


Pam @Threading My Way said...

I've only recently discovered Carolyn and Homework... lots of inspiration over there. Interesting to know how she chose the name of her blog.

Tina Bradley said...

Carolyn's work is quite inspiring! What a great way to start the week! T.

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Thank you for the Monday morning inspiration! I would have to say that I am most inspired by other blogger's and what they do and are willing to share. Carolyn's projects are so lovely and here words about craft fails are certainly inspiring! (Remember my pillow??!!) I am also inspired by the support of other kind blogger' you;)!

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

Carolyn is a great inspiration. She's definitely a good choice for this post.

Macey said...

Fabulous projects!! Love the simplicity, so pretty!

Adrianne Surian said...

I love the part about seeing things and getting the wheels turning, and just having to look around you for ideas.

Although I have yet to turn a fail into a success. My fails are generally pretty colossal and un-salvageable.

Thanks for the inspirational post today! :)

Gloria said...

Thanks for sharing this, it's a treat to read new perspectives and Carolyn's creations are lovely.

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