Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

(I know you were expecting photo tips today, but don't despair - I just scooched them over to tomorrow.)

So, Happy Valentine's Day! I hope your beloved spoils you rotten and you find yourself afloat in a river of chocolate and flowers.  Mmmmmm,....lol.  I definitely feel pretty spoiled.  I was hooked up with Carol-Anne (the heart and brain behind Use The Good Dishes) for the Happy Hour Projects Valentine Exchange.

Yesterday my awesome package arrived and I've been thrilled and getting fatter ever since. Check out this awesomeness:

As I was hanging up this wreath, my husband wandered by, stopped, stared at it, and then emphatically stated, "That is the nicest thing you've ever made."  I almost didn't fess up, but in the end I couldn't take the guilt.  Ah well.  

A colourful, spring-like closeup.  Mmmm,...spring.  :)

This jewelry set is so pretty.  I have a lot of sweaters in purple, blue, and grey, so these pieces will be put to a lot of use.

How about a closer look at this crazy adorable charm.  I find it so interesting, an art piece on its own, and I really like the colour combinations.  

Now, this is where the fatness is coming in.  Mmmmm,...this bark is amazing.  It's sweet and salty and insanely delicious and I would like to say I can't stop eating it, but I did stop eating it - once I finished the entire batch.  Uh-huh, it's gone, resting in my now fat belly.  Oh so worth it.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Yumiko said...

Hi! I found your awesome blog from the Linky Follower Party Hop. I'm a new follower with Linky Follower.:) I hope you will visit my blog at http://kyatarinroom.blogspot.com/
Happy V-day! Thanks!

Adrianne Surian said...

LOVE that jewelry - so funny, the first photo you showed, I actually leaned in and thought, I wish I could get a closer look at that little charm, it's so cool. Then there you go, a step ahead of me. Gorgeous. And that wreath is beautiful too.

I can't comment on the bark, since clearly, you're not sharing. ;)

So glad everyone is having fun with the exchange!!

Sherry said...

Happy Valentine Day to you. That's a cool wreath you have hanging up there...definitely reminds me of spring.

Unknown said...

Wow, what beautiful gifts...Love the wreath too! Too funny about the bark...did you really eat the whole thing! lol. Hi, welcome to my blog! I just know we are going to have so much fun sharing ideas...Hope you have a delightful day!
Hugs, Loretta

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

Happy Valentine's Day! That wreath is beautiful, and oh that box of goodness. My hubby gave me some of my fave chocolates. I guess we're getting fat together. lol

Macey said...

Love it all!! :)
Happy Valentine's day!

Carol-Anne said...

Oh you are so sweet to post this!

My computer is down with a virus and I've just borrowed a friend's laptop so I could tell you how sorry I am not to have been able to do a proper post on your lovely gifts! I'll follow up with better pics once my computer is repaired, but thanks so much and I'm glad we got 'hooked up' for Valentine's Day!

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

Well look at you, you lucky girl! Hope you're having a fantastic Valentine's Day!

Stephanie said...

Haha!! I love that you ate it all Terry! I am the same way...once I start I cannot stop for the life of me! That's so funny about your hubby! You should have just taken the credit! :-) Happy Valentine's Day!!

Shutterbug said...

the wreath is very pretty! i can't wait until spring!

Lori said...

So glad I found your lovely blog. I'm following you with the new Linky tool, straight from the Linky blog hop. I look forward to getting to know you better, Lori

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