Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday's Motivation - Hey Girl #2

And now, instalment #2 of Ryan Gosling winning over our hearts.









Kadie of Seven Alive fame found this link where you can hear Ryan Gosling saying some of these memes.

Have a fabulous weekend.


Kate Sparkles said...

Haha I love these.. I wonder if he knows about them and what he thinks?!?

Adrianne Surian said...

I kept having to quit reading because I'm CRYING trying not to laugh out loud. At work. I had to start fake coughing. Because clearly, this is something only Ryan Gosling could truly understand.

And I am totally with Kate, LOL.

Anita Rowe Stafford said...

Love love love these!!

Macey said...

Holy crap. These CRACK ME UP!

Unknown said...

Too, too funny!!!

Amy said...

Omg! I am cracking up! Love the hand massage after crocheting for 6 hours and the cat video! Love Ryan Gosling too! ;)

S said...

HI-larious! The banana sling one is the funniest one! LOL!

The Messy Roost said...

Hi Terry, Please come by The Messy Roost, I have something for you.


Stephanie said...

Oh my gosh these are sooo funny!!! I'm trying to contain my laughter so my husband doesn't think I'm a total freakazoid! Haha!

Carol-Anne said...

Blahhhahahahahaha! I love the one about the not getting featured for the 'linky party'! I, too, was wondering if he know's about these!

Unknown said...

Awesome, once again! I think the "you got robbed" one is my favorite. :)

Mindy said...

OMG, hilarious. The seed catalog one is the best I've seen so far. The linky party feature is a close 2nd. Too dang funny.

kitblu said...

Isn't that special? You go girl!!!

Kelly @ Here Comes the Sun said...

These are hilarious! I found you through through the Linky blog hop. Hope you will follow back.

Unknown said...

I found your blog through the linky followers blog hop and I love it! The design/peas are so cute! I'm your newest follower and I'll definitely stop by your linky party next week! : )

-Mel the Crafty Scientist

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