Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pre-(Canadian) Thanksgiving Turkey Breast

This year we are hosting my husband's family for Thanksgiving.  We are having beef tenderloin and baked salmon.  I know,...where's the turkey?  Well I'm a turkey chicken, so to speak.  I don't really feel comfortable making a turkey and I don't want to be ruining the family's Thanksgiving by blowing it.  So beef and fish it is.

BUT,...I really do like turkey so with all the turkey sales on this week, I picked up a turkey breast and we feasted on it by our little lonesomes.  I started by throwing in potatoes, onions, and carrots, a little dried thyme, rosemary, salt and pepper.

Then I layered on the turkey breast and covered it in a loving stream of melted butter.  I know.  I so seldom choose the high-fat version of anything but this is a pre-Thanksgiving feast so it felt almost required.


Season the turkey breast itself and pop it into the oven.  I set the oven to roast, at 350, for about an hour.

 The photo below is while it's still cooking (I was getting anxious with how amazing it was smelling).  Little did I know that the spots on my door would show up so well.  Hmmmm,...guess I'll have to add cleaning the oven to my job list for this week.

I double-checked that the temp was good (I took it out of the oven at 155 degrees, put the roasting pan top on, and let the turkey sit for about 10 minutes to get up to 160 degrees).

I could have eaten all of the carrots.  They were easily the best part, crunchy with caramelization and turkey flavour.  Mmmmm.


Amy Bateman said...

Yum! Who needs turkey just for Thanksgiving? Is the traditional Canadian Thanksgiving menu pretty much as the US Thanksgiving menu?

Lesley said...

Oh for God's sake...
I'm hungry. I need to go grocery shopping and all I have in the house is a box of Fruit Loops and ranch dressing. This made my stomach groan and whisper, " Feed me you miserable jerk! "

Shani @ inspirednest.ca said...

Oh that looks good! I'm hosting my husband's family too. My deal is we host and clean up and everyone else brings the food;-)

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

Looks divine. Pretty easy too. I do the turkey every year for our Thanksgiving. I cook it the day before. Cooking it and serving it in the same day is too much for me!

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