Thursday, September 8, 2011

Photography Challenge - Week #7

Don't forget to check out the giveaway here.  We're at 94 followers,...only 6 more,....come on, help a gal out.  :)

Here it is, Thursday already and that means Photography Challenge.  Be sure to pop on over to Laura Beth's site to check out the other entries or to join up:

This week's theme is "What I Wore Today".  I wasn't about to take another self-portrait so I tried to get a little tricky instead, lol.  This bracelet was given to me just this week by my 4-year-old nephew, Lucas.  Apparently, he picked it out all by himself.  It reminded him of the Green Lantern and he thinks that suits me somehow.  I'm okay with that.

And of course we need a quick pic of the super hero fan who gave me the bracelet.


Miss Kitty said...

Well, Lucas is super cute! Maybe the bracelet will give YOU super powers! That's a clever way to get in the picture without having to get ALL the way in the picture.

Lesley said...

Hey Terry..I checked out your fabric wall art and now I'm going to spend the rest of the day jealous that I didn't do it first. Very awesome!
Your blog is lovely..I'm a new follower! And now I'm going to go and enter your giveaway!

Unknown said...

You're such a But I do think the bracelet {and your nephew} are so sweet! And let me be the first to say CONGRATULATIONS on 100 followers!! You did it!

Jeanna said...

Congrats on your 100 followers... Love the kitty in the photo. Too cute!

Jeanna @

Unknown said...

I love this! Love the bracelet AND from such a cutiedoodle!
Kerry at

Kei said...

Great pictures! Lovely bracelet, too...I can see how your nephew was reminded of the Green Lantern!

Laura Beth said...

What a fabulous looking bracelet (and nephew)!! You are a lucky aunt. Congrats on 100 follower :)

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