Tuesday, April 24, 2012

House Tips Series - Laundry Tip

Have you ever put something in the washer that shouldn't be dried, and then forgot and dried it? Yeah, me too.  I am especially famous for doing this with our steamer mop pads.  They should air dry but at least half the time I throw them into the dryer with everything else.

Well, here is an amazingly clever solution.

Dry Erase Marker

You write on the washer with a dry erase marker to remind yourself of what item needs to be pulled out.  Brilliant.  I am definitely going to be using this little tip.

Okay -- you have your tip.  But that's not all for today.  So what's up now, you're wondering?  Well, starting on Monday, we are going to be doing interesting things over the next bunch of weeks.  Things that are devoted entirely to us and our well-being.

How so, you ask?  I'll get into more detail next week (be sure to tune in on Monday for the full scoop), but we are going to go through our lives and do a little spring cleaning.  But it'll be fun, I promise (and there won't be any cleaning, also promise).

How will that be fun? (wow, you have a lot of questions).  Well, you'll just have to swing on by to find out, but here is a little hint of what's coming:

Has anyone seen this before?


Pam @Threading My Way said...

Spring cleaning sounds like hard work... LOL!!! I'm intrigued...

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

I have no idea what this is about....but you can count on me to be there!! Love the laundry tip...I'll be using that one too. (I'm thinking about using it on my dishwasher too so that my husband can stop saying, "Oh, I would have unloaded that if I knew those were clean!!"

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

I have no idea what this is about....but you can count on me to be there!! Love the laundry tip...I'll be using that one too. (I'm thinking about using it on my dishwasher too so that my husband can stop saying, "Oh, I would have unloaded that if I knew those were clean!!"

Tina Bradley said...

Great idea! And...yay for the upcoming Wheel of Life Series!!! T.

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

I do the exact same thing with my steamer mop pads!! It's a good thing my son works at Bed, Bath, and Beyond and I can get his discount!

Look at you keeping us on the edge of our seats for a week! Lol! Can't wait to see what you've come up with.

Unknown said...

I have no idea waht the wheel of life is....I can't wait until next week!

Adrianne Surian said...

Okay, glad to know that the Wheel of Life is new to others too. Really looking forward to it, Terry!

And seriously, how do I not think of things like the dry erase marker for myself? I am good at remembering, but if I toss in a load and then leave for work, I'm at the mercy of my husband's observational skills. Leaving him a note would be perfect!

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

Oh yes, I get it. I'll be back.

Maureen Wyatt said...

I'll be checking this out! I can use a good, spring cleaning. ~ Maureen

Mindy said...

The one thing I always forget about and throw them into the dryer is my bras. And yes, I realize I should be hand washing them, but who are we kidding? The dry erase idea is genius.

I made the homemade febreeze this weekend. Awesome.

Nope, never seen the graph thingy. I too, am intrigued.

Anonymous said...

I am so afraid of the dryer. None of my stuff gets to take a tumble ride. It is my biggest fear that RB will make the mistake of throwing something of mine in there on purpose. I mean accident. Case in point I do the laundry. I do think this tip is brilliant!!

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

No idea about the spring cleaning but it may be just what I need. I'll be back on Monday (sure hope I don't forget) to find out the scoop. Hope all is well with you and that spring has sprung in Ontario.

Cranberry Morning said...

Great tip! I'm getting a dry erase marker today! :-)

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