Thursday, April 5, 2012

Link It Up Thursday #14

Week #14 and Easter is almost here.  I hope you all have a fabulous long weekend and enjoy your time with family and friends.  Before we get to our party, here are a few of the things that caught my eye from last week.

I love the beachy feel of these baskets that Donata crocheted.  I must try these!

DK's Craft Cafe
Don't these Earl Grey cookies look light and delicate and delicious?  Amber has a great recipe and now I have a huge craving for these. Mmmmmm.

Salt Tree
Tina's hubby brought her home a mountain of burlap coffee bags, lucky gal.  This is her first project with them.  Love the table transformation.  Check out her site for the before.

Our Home in the Maples

This is the most adorable take on Easter peeps that I have ever seen.  Hanni has the pattern for these little cuties on her site.

I am completely in love with the colours that Olga used for this sweet crocheted bag.

Olga Soleil

Nice work ladies.  Please grab a featured button for your awesome projects.  If you weren't featured here, pop on over to Kadie's blog, Seven Alive, and see if she featured you over there.

These Peas Taste Funny

This is a shared link party, so if you link it up here, it will show up on the fabulous Kadie's blog, Seven Alive.  We want to see everything you have to link up!  Old projects, new posts, giveaways, etsy shops, recipes, crocheting, any and everything. If you have more than one thing to link up, even better.

Here are our very simple rules. 
1.  Please keep it family-friendly.
2.  Link back to our site or grab a button so others can share in the fun.
3.  Following us would be nice (but don't feel you have to).
4.  Have fun, be inspired.

If you would like an e-mail reminder about the party, let us know in the comments (please include your e-mail address), and we will happily add you to the list.

These Peas Taste Funny


Donata @ DK's Craft Cafe said...

Thank you very much, Terry, for featuring my crochet baskets.
I'm so glad you like them :)
Happy Easter!

Tina Bradley said...

Wow! These are all fab...but, that purse is to die for! :) Thanks for the eye candy! T.

Lynn said...

That bag is just amazing! Happy Easter Week:@)

Adrianne Surian said...

Thanks for hosting, Terry! Great picks! :)

Unknown said...

I have zero craft or crochet skill- crocheting makes my heart swoon! I love the bag!
Thank you for hosting.
Kerry at HouseTalkN

Kara Renee said...

These are so cute! I also have no crocheting skills. Sadly I used to, but I guess I just lost the magic. :/

Rose Jesky said...

Thanks for the host the party! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Tina said...

Thank you so much Terry, for featuring my burlap tables. I have grabbed a button!

Thank you again. I will be back later to link up.

Have a great day!

Maureen Wyatt said...

I love all the features but the crochet baskets are to die for! Thanks for hosting. ~ Maureen

Anita Rowe Stafford said...

Terry, I have shared Cream Cheese Chicken Enchiladas and Tomato & Cucumber Salad. Love your party because of the great variety of stuff, thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for hosting. I linked up Cedar Paper Cooking. I am a new follower on Linky Followers.


Hanni said...

Thank you for featuring my project, Terry!
And thank you for hosting this linky party :)

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

Great features, Terry. I love Donatas baskets too. Thanks for hosting.

Macey said...

Jealous of the burlap! I love all of the crochet things.

Mindy said...

Okay, TOTALLY jealous of the crocheting skills out there.

Soleil said...

Thanks a million ♥ for featuring my Hexagon Bag! This is a very nice surprise for me!
Have a sunny day!
Olga ☼

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