Thursday, April 19, 2012

Link It Up Thursday #16

It's been a busy week over here.  Monday started off with a visit (and guest post) over at Happy Hour Projects to show how to make my wine cork coasters.  Then, Adrianne and I got together again on Tuesday to share a coffee-themed Starbucks gift card giveaway (there is still time to get in on that).  Wednesday had me crying a little and perhaps cursing a little over sewing up an 'easy' apron that I will be using as an art smock.  And now, somehow, it's Thursday already and definitely time to party.

But first, let's see what caught my eye this week:

I love how Gina uses scraps to make these unique bookmarks.  As someone who is always looking around for a bookmark (often using receipts or kleenex), I would love to have a stash of these laying around.

The Cannary Family

Wesens Art has a tutorial on how to quill but it's really this butterfly piece that inspires me.  Isn't it gorgeous?!

Wesens Art
Sarah has 10 great ideas on how to keep your kiddos entertained while you are dining out and she uses things you can find at almost every restaurant.  Brilliant.

Repeat Crafter Me

Christine whipped up the pattern for this hat and then added on the flower to really top it off.  So sweet.

Projects Around The House

Kerry's gal pal, Angela, does a fabulous vlog on how to customize your blog's url and it only costs $10 for you to own your awesome blog address.  Super easy to do (and very entertaining video as well).

House Talkn

Nice work ladies.  Please grab a featured button for your awesome projects.  If you weren't featured here, pop on over to Kadie's blog, Seven Alive, and see if she featured you over there.

These Peas Taste Funny
This is a shared link party, so if you link it up here, it will show up on the fabulous Kadie's blog, Seven Alive.  We want to see everything you have to link up!  Old projects, new posts, giveaways, etsy shops, recipes, crocheting, any and everything. If you have more than one thing to link up, even better.

Here are our very simple rules.
1.  Please keep it family-friendly.
2.  Link back to our site or grab a button so others can share in the fun.
3.  Following us would be nice (but don't feel you have to).
4.  Have fun, be inspired.

If you would like an e-mail reminder about the party, let us know in the comments (please include your e-mail address), and we will happily add you to the list.

These Peas Taste Funny


Lynn said...

The quilled butterfly is beautiful! Happy Thursday:@)

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Happy Thursday! Thanks for knew I'd be here! I love those bookmarks. I don't know why sewing stuff if calling my name now!

Tina Bradley said...

All inspiring projects... Being the bibliophile I am (smile), those bookmarks are simply fab! T.

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Terry,

Thanks for hosting the party :)


Kara Renee said...

Love these ideas! Especially the kid's waiting games. I'll have to save that link!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for featuring our URL shenanigans!
Have a great day, Terry!
Thanks for hosting!
Kerry at HouseTalkN

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for hosting each week. Great features, I have already put the Restaurant games into play with my niece.

Anita Rowe Stafford said...

Terry, I have shared Chocolate Glazed Turtle Pie and Queso Blanco Dip. Thank you for hosting!

Tina said...

Thank you for hosting.

Have a great day,
"The Bag Lady"

Macey said...

I want one of those bookmarks. :)

Mindy said...

That butterfly is awesome!

Wesens-Art said...

Thanks for featuring my Quilling Butterfly!
And thanks for hosting!!


Donata @ DK's Craft Cafe said...

Thank you for hosting, Terry.
Have a great day!

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