Monday, May 30, 2011

An Angel by any Other Name,...

This poor gal had seen better days.  I found her blue crackled face at the thrift store for $1.  Clearly her full potential was not being realized.  

Here she is after a coat of primer.  Doesn't she look much better already?

I finished her up with an ivory spray paint and then mixed up some glaze and a mish-mash combo of acrylic paints:  gold, burnt umber, black, got me started.  I painted a little on and wiped it off until it looked good to my eye.

Now, what to do to decorate her shelf? Hmmmmm, last trip to the Bibles for Missions Thrift Store (which I have been incorrectly calling the Bible Mission Thrift Store, oops), I scored a couple of glass vases.  I thought that might look nice but definitely would need some kind of filler.  

My husband travels a lot for work and always brings me back these little Neutrogena soaps (really, I must have a hundred) so I wondered if I could combine the bargain vase with the soaps and come up with something.  I added a piece of Christmas garland and voila:

Linking up here:

Somewhat Simple
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
The Shabby Nest
Weekend Bloggy Reading



Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

What a great job you did! I probably would have been scared of it in the thrift shop! Beautiful!

Yvonne@StyleBurb said...

I LOVE the soaps and garland together- the hits of gold are perfect for sparkle and bling! The angel cleaned up good! This corner of your bathroom looks fantastic!

Karen said...

Cute blog! I'll be back. I'm your newest follower.
Ladybug Creek
P.S. Love the name!! ;-)

The Mommy Therapy said...

That garland is adorable with the soaps. I used to have a ton of hotel soap and ended up donating it to a woman's time I have enough I'll try something like this. Very cute!

Thanks for sharing.

Visiting from Amanda's Weekend Bloggy Link Up!

Unknown said...

it's so pretty!
same thing with my husband! i'm a soap hoarder! but i do like your idea of the garland :) from debbidoos

Debbiedoos said...

oh she is so much cuter now. Thanks for joining my newbie party!

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Such a big difference. I love your painted angel.

The soap and pearls adds a nice touch.


alifebeautified said...

What a lovely angel. You did a great job with it. From the blog hop over at Debbiedoos. I'm a new follower.

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