Thursday, May 24, 2012

Link It Up Thursday #21

Another busy week: Monday had a helpful interview with Sonja from Practical Stewardship about budgeting and getting out of debt; Tuesday and Wednesday were some money-saving tips dealing with food and cleaning; and throughout the week when I wasn't blogging, I was planting our veggie garden.  This is the biggest garden so far - can't wait to see everything grow.  Now, it's time to party.

But first, let's see what caught my eye last week.  Oh wait, a little reminder to please go to the person's blog if you want to pin to pinterest so they get their proper credit.  Okay, on with the show.

How sweet is Kim's little model, Emma, in this "Hairkerchief", complete with little birdie.

Little Rays of Sunshine

How lucky do you think Lyuba's mom felt when she saw this fabulous cake Lyuba made for her birthday?  I would have cried, then I would have eaten a lot of it.  :)

Will Cook for Smiles

Terri was flying to Disney last week and this is the great idea she prepared to pass the time on the plane.  Great tutorial.

A Creative Princess

Christine made the bows to add some spark to her plain black shoes.  Clever idea that you could use to change up your shoes in a hundred ways.

Projects Around the House
These cookies are a blast from the past for me.  My mom used to make a similar cookie for us and I love them to this day.  Check out Kaylee's recipe.

Couponing n Cooking

Nice work ladies.  Please grab a featured button for your awesome projects.  If you weren't featured here, pop on over to Kadie's blog, Seven Alive, and see if she featured you over there.

These Peas Taste Funny
This is a shared link party, so if you link it up here, it will show up on the fabulous Kadie's blog, Seven Alive.  We want to see everything you have to link up!  Old projects, new posts, giveaways, etsy shops, recipes, crocheting, any and everything. If you have more than one thing to link up, even better.

Here are our very simple rules. 
1.  Please keep it family-friendly. 
2.  Link back to our site or grab a button so others can share in the fun. 
3.  Following us would be nice (but don't feel you have to).
4.  Have fun, be inspired. 

 If you would like an e-mail reminder about the party, let us know in the comments (please include your e-mail address), and we will happily add you to the list.

These Peas Taste Funny

One last thing, I would like to beg you (please, please, please) to take the word verification off of your blog comments.  There were way too many this week and it wore me out so I'm afraid I'll only be commenting on blogs that don't have it this week (and I really, really, really want to comment on your awesome stuff).  Thanks for understanding.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for featuring my little girl's birdie hairkerchief! :)

Kim @ Little Rays of Sunshine

Pam @Threading My Way said...

That little hairkechief is super cute! Thanks for hosting, Terry. Have a great weekend...

Rose Jesky said...

Thanks for hosting

Tina Bradley said...

Great party as usual! Thank you for hosting. I may just have to try those shoe bows...

Lyuba @ Will Cook For Smiles said...

Yippee! Thank you for the feature!! Thank you for another great party!

Tina said...

Thank you so much for hosting.

Adrianne Surian said...

Thanks for hosting, Terry! Great picks! :)

Unknown said...

Have a great weekend Terry!

Gloria said...

The link images are making me hungry! :0 Thanks for hosting ♥

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Thanks for hosting Terry. (I'm still in my jammies.)

Macey said...

You always have such great links.

Carrie @ My Favorite Finds said...

The little "hairkerchief" is so adorable! Thanks for hosting!

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